Friday 24 July 2015

Tumblr Poetry That Must Be Known, Like, Today


Poetry has always been one of those things that interests me, but was so hard to find. Pinterest came along but it didn't cut it, as the site was full of images that didn't belong to the users. It was only when I started my second blog on Tumblr that I found a whole new community of writers who just wanted to write!

So, ready for words to pull at your heartstrings? I certainly am!

“Your body is the night sky, you see the stars as flaws, others see the constellations.”

“She was a fire but she didn’t burn steadily.
She burned fast and bright, and all the people close to her,
surrounded by her warmth,
were left with cold ashes.”

"I was no longer a blank canvas,
but one repainted and torn,
stitched back together,
a smile full of scorn.
each lover I lay beside,
runs hands across the white sheet,
spread across my body
the moment we meet.
they told me they’d fix me,
paint me anew,
they’d colour me pink-
but when they left, I turned blue.
I stitched myself back up,
a sharp needle pulling thread
from the tears in my chest
to the wounds on my head.
I covered my canvas,
destroyed and used,
with a new coat of paint,
to undo the abuse.
you were not a painter,
unlike the rest,
you carried your heart
inside of your chest.
no heart on your sleeve,
no brush in your hand,
the simplest of pleasures,
when I fell, it was grand.
you saw my canvas,
as something wonderful and new,
rather than used,
and tossed out when others were through.
you told me you’d try,
to make me bloom,
paint flowers on my spine,
paint stars against the moon.
a galaxy blossomed
from your hands to my skin,
with each graceful movement
I felt a new love begin.
you drew lines between planets
to make constellations,
and told me to hush
when I stirred beneath your touch.
your galaxy grew bigger
with each loving stroke,
my blank skin turned to art,
it filled me with hope.
when you finished you smiled,
and announced you were through,
I was your art,
we were something new.
though I could not see,
I imagined the sight,
of stars and planets
swirling in light.
you described every line,
every colour and shade,
to my unseeing eyes,
I believed you were my aide.
slowly I felt
the paint start to crumble,
little dry flakes off my back,
taking a tumble.
as the masterpiece left,
you did too,
slowly at first,
then as the wind blew.
when you carried off,
without hope or explanation,
I gathered my strength,
not much less than a nation.
my bones and my brain,
they started to shake,
my anger it grew,
I knew you, I could take.
the final description,
of our blood and glory,
was me on the floor,
and you were not sorry.
when the dust finally settled,
I turned on the tap,
and watched your paint crumble,
but it was a trap.
water washed it away,
and tugged it down the drain,
my lungs filled with sobs,
and my eyes cried like rain.
instead of blues,
and yellows, and brights,
the paint coming off me,
looked nothing like night.
no galaxies, no sun,
no stars or the moon,
just crimson red,
pooling like a lagoon."

"The ocean remains a
mystery I cannot unravel.
However I know the streams
and rivers like the back of my
hand for my tears flow through
them. And I wonder if that is
why the ocean tastes of salt."

"You’re like a library book. I need to return you but I’ve read you so many times that your words have become second nature. I could recite you backwards. But your pages are falling out from the seems and I’ve discovered stains along the words as well as made some of my own. You’ve been dogeared and slightly torn but still I tape you together and hope for the best but honestly, would you do the same for me?"

“I hate this.
I’m sitting here as my chest tightens at the thought that maybe I was the reason things didn’t work out between us. And after all this time, I’ve been convincing myself that it was entirely your fault, and that I had no part of it. But maybe I did; maybe… just maybe, if I had just held you in my arms a little longer, then maybe you would still be there.”

“Rome is built on ruins
And is quite breathtaking;
What makes you think
You can’t be too?”

“She said, ‘Honey, stop asking if you are capable of being loved, as if being loved had a prerequisite.’”

What do you think? Are these some of the most beautiful things ever read? Can you do any better? Be sure to visit all the author's blogs on Tumblr by following the links or leave a comment explaining which one is your favourite down below.



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