Thursday 23 July 2015

An Introduction


I'm e.m, well, at least, that's who I am on here. I think using a stylised alias will make lots of things a lot easier for me, and for you too, eventually.

I'm a teenager from the UK with interests that almost completely collide. For example, whilst I've been a ballerina for 11 years, most people associate me with being aggressive in my football matches and are completely shocked when they find out I also do ballet. I think that being interested in a lot of things makes me easy to get along with, which is why I decided to do this blog. I spend too many nights on Tumblr or Pinterest, browsing blogs and pictures and wishing I did something like this, so since it's officially summer (yes!), I decided to do my own kind of thing. I've yet to decide what this blog will be though, although it will probably contain a mix of this stuff:

  • Quotes
  • Fashion
  • Rants
  • Medicine
  • Sport news
  • Photography
  • & assorted other stuff.
So, you're probably wondering some stuff.

Who in the nine planets are you? (And yes, Pluto is a planet, don't even try to fight me on that)

Like I said, I'm a normal teenager from England. I'm currently studying for my GCSE's (boo!), and have an interest in pursuing medicine. For these reasons, most of my time is spent either watching House, Grey's Anatomy or Nurse Jackie on Netflix (I'm a serial binge-watcher) or doing my coursework/homework. It's a lot of effort though, so I unwind by playing football, hockey or netball. I do GCSE PE and love to play any kind of sport because I have a competitive edge, probably why I get such good grades in most things I do. You're probably thinking, how modest, but last week, when lies nearly caused my whole friendship to collapse, I decided that everything I say has to be as honest as possible. And it's hard to cut out lying from your daily life, even the white lies, which makes me sound like I'm suffering liar's withdrawal, but since taking up the vow of honesty, my life has been pretty fun.

What do you look like?

I'm fairly short, average build, with constantly messy brown hair. I've always wanted to dye it an unusual colour like bubblegum pink or light blue, but I realised how weird it would look, plus my parents are very limiting on this stuff. I have green eyes which seem to change colour depending on the lighting, pale skin, and most distinguishably, a pair of Gok Wan glasses, that are such a dark blue they look black. Glasses were always a big urgh for me, and when I got them two years ago, I was very disappointed. Was it because I read too much in the dark? Did I not take good care of my eyes? Eventually I got used to the fact that sometimes things like this have to happen, and I became very happy with the way I look in glasses, although now I've started to wear contact lenses for my ballet and sport. The only other details about me that you should know are that I had a retainer a few years back and am now currently very proud of my teeth (do I sound weird?) and I also have a small scar near my eyebrow from where I hit my head on a pot.


First blog: Four years ago (it was not a success)

First best friend: My older brother (awh, how sad)

First real holiday: Well, this October I'm going on an exciting trip which will technically be my first holiday.

First kiss: Three years ago (also not a success)

First love: White chocolate *insert heart eyes emoji here*


Favourite film: Insidious or Final Destination (I love horror films!)

Favourite TV show: Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, House, Lie To Me*, Once Upon A Time, The Office, Orphan Black.

Favourite colour: Orange (although not when my dad wears orange to golf, ew)

Favourite song (currently): Colors by Halsey, Stitches by Shawn Mendes, and Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds.

Favourite book: Gray's Anatomy, Dorothy Must Die and the Game of Thrones series


Feeling: Excited over my new blog :)

Eating: Party Rings, oh yes.

Listening to: Trouble by Halsey.

Wearing: A Superdry T-Shirt, leggings, a pink H&M jumper and matching socks.


Children: Tricky one, since I'm so young, I find kids annoying. I suppose so, one day far in the future.

Marriage: Maybe, hm, not sure.

Career: Doctor, definitely, but if that doesn't work out, I love English and literature so maybe I'll go into script-writing or something.

Do you believe in?

Miracles: Sure, why not?

Love at first sight: Sometimes, but you've got to talk to someone to really see if you love them.

Ghosts: Nope!

Aliens: Hmmm, I believe there are other lifeforms in our galaxy, but since they haven't appeared yet, we can't take them to our leaders.

Soul mates: Well, my parents are, definitely, but I think if we do have soul mates, they're hard to find.

Heaven: Chocolate is the only heaven I need.

Hell: Did you mean school?

Yourself: Yes, I believe in myself because if I didn't, I wouldn't do half the stuff I love to do.

So there you are, I hope that was a little bit of an insight into my weird and unusual mind. Hopefully, you'll have agreed with some of what I've said, or laughed at my sarcasm (I'm fluent in it), but if not, never fear, I'll grow on you!

I guess that's the end of my first post, I'll catch you another time,




  1. can't wait to see what you have got coming!!

  2. Insidious is so good! All three parts too :)


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